This article really makes you think and feel something. This article does a good job of stating everything that happened and makes you feel for this family. At the beginning I thought that this family had done something against the law and that is why they were in trouble. By the end of the article you realize they haven’t don’t anything wrong except for living on valuable land. This writer did a good job of stating everything that happened and then at the end say how she feels about the story.
I think this is an opinion piece. I am sure there are some details that she has left out of this article that didn’t further her cause with the article. There are always two sides to every story. We are only getting one side of the story with this article. She may wait till the end to state her opinion, but through the whole article you can tell where she is heading. She makes the family out to be victims. I dislike animal cruelty so I don’t see them as victims. There is no possible way for a dog to be malnourished if you are feeding them every day and giving them water. So I think they should have gotten in trouble for that. I think their eviction is a little steep. I think that people wanted that family out of their neighborhood because they did not fit in socially, so they found a way to push them out.
I think that she made this article pretty long. There was a lot of detail in this story. She could have cut the length of this article down, but I think she made it long to be suspenseful and keep people reading. She uses very short paragraph. That is a good way to keep people reading, keep it simple. This is a story that will always be relevant, because there will always be issue with race. Also there will always be an issue with the difference between the rich and the poor. These things will always be an issue because people always make it an issue. Taking a stand is sometimes not the easiest thing to do. She has definitely chosen a side on this subject. She thought what happened to this family is wrong and should never have happened. I am sure there are many people who think what happened to this family was right and what was needed to be done.
I think that she is putting the blame on certain people in this article. She mentions the police and her neighbors that complained about her. She points out that she believes this is more of an issue of race and income, but she still puts some blame on a few people. I think she kept herself under control and didn’t seem too angry or out of control. This is something that she feels really strongly about. She feels that Chicago is better than this and it should never have happened. This article would have been better if she would have talked to someone from the opposition. She only talked to people who liked this family and said good things about them. I would have liked to hear why people didn’t want this family living there.
In conclusion, this was a very interesting article. There were some things that I really liked such as, the way she wrote it, she made people really feel for this family. I also liked how she used paragraphs, only using a few sentences. I also enjoyed how she found something that she feels so much passion for, she thought this family was not treated right and she wanted to do something about it. There were also things I didn’t enjoy about the article. She just skips over the animal cruelty. That is a big crime in my book and people should get in trouble for that kind of behavior. I also don’t like that this story is so one sided. She doesn’t talk to any of the people, which she claims are harassing this family. I want all the facts, not just the ones that give you a good story. This is my favorite type of article because I like to really feel for a subject. With articles like these you have to make an opinion on your own. There is also a responsibility with these articles to research and find out everything before you make your mind because the reporter might not be giving all the information.
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